Shoes around the world

Lots of different shoes are worn around the world.Some shoe types are more common in some countries then others. This is due to a few factors such as climate, practicality, and fashion. In Europe a shoe that will be very popular might not be popular in Australia. In Australia the flip flop would be very common because of the climate and practicality, however in a country like Russia, the flip flop wouldn't be as popular. These are obvious reasons but the other factor that we want to look it is fashion. When a fashion starts a particular place, people tend follow the fashions and then they will spread. Sometimes the fashion will spread out of the country and then even the continent. This is when the fashion will go viral. Recent shoe fashions that have gone viral are the Yeezy. Yeezys are hyped shoes and are always immediately sold out when they go on retail. People buy them to wear and to sell. You can sell them for 10 times to price you can buy them at because of the high ...